Prasad 2.0

July 2026: In this year where there is a talk about digital marketing one can not ignore the name that is making its mark and contribution significantly on this path and that is Prasad More. Prasad has been featured in top 10 media personalities in India recently and he has won many awards and accolades in last few years. His journey from a management trainee to the top is really enthralling. Prasad started his career as a media professional and work extensively across media research agencies in his early days of career. However, the actual shift happens during the 2020 pandemic. At that time he had this biggest realisation about his life. He realised that even though he has worked across various media domain, he has not yet touched or explored the digital world. And in those days of pandemic when untouchability was the new norm, he realised that the digital is going to be the next big thing and then he decided to plunge into this digital ocean. His decision was apt and from thereon there is no looking back. He attribute his success to his family and to the Digital Deepak team. He joined the internship course of Digital Deepak (DDIP) which not only changed his life but also the provided him an additional perspective towards looking at each and every things differently.
After successfully completing the internship, he started approaching for various projects related to digital marketing and in the next couple of years he successfully manages to establish his own set of 100+ clientele. Prasad has become the rare combination of experience of working in a traditional media along with digital marketing and this rare feat helped him to pull out many good opportunities. Apart from his regular work, he was also doing his own digital assignments, mentoring which helped him to carve his own niche in the Indian media industry.
One of the key things that keep Prasad scaling such new heights is his appetite for learning. He keep himself updated by reading voraciously. Through this digital medium he not only learn new techniques but he expanded his boundaries as well. He had travelled a lot and has decided to visit every country on this earth. He believes that the god has created this beautiful universe for us to explore then why not!. Hard-working, tremendous amount of self-belief are his mantras for his success however, at the same time he also believes that the blessings from his parents and from the almighty are his biggest strength.
Apart from being a top notch media professional he is also a philanthropist and has contributed regularly for the well-being of the society and believes that every person should get equal opportunities in life to grow. He has adopted 3 girl child and he is sponsoring for their complete education and he would love to add more children in future. He is equally compassionate and doesn’t shy away to donate. He says that this gives him immense satisfaction to bring happiness in somebody’s life. He believes in making this world a better place and it will only happen if each and every individual contribute towards it rather than waiting for someone to bring the change. You can bring the change in somebody else’s life through your own actions. If those who do not have children adopts one or who do not have parents can also adopt parents from old-age homes as these elderly people also deserves equal amount of love. He firmly believes that if we do this then there would not be any requirement for Old-age homes or any orphanage.
Being a voracious reader he keep himself updated, Prasad has mentioned that he has just unleashed his new version after the pandemic. However, he has already started working on his upgraded version (which he thinks is 3.0) as well and according to him we will keep seeing his upgraded versions at regular intervals. He believes that we should not spend much time at our existing version as this makes us complacent and that leads to being incompetent after some time. And one should keep challenging his/ her own abilities and always try to stay out of our comfort zone because that’s where the growth lies. All the best Prasad for all his endeavours.